Fri 03 Jan
What You SEE is What YOU'LL GET!!! No BuLLSH!T... No MiS- REPRESENTATION (in/outcall) - 25
(LA/OC LONG BEACH(405/22/605fwy))
$100 Special E X O T I C ஐ PERFECT ஐ HOTT!E - 20
(Cleveland, Westside Alone)
Blurred between the lines of both genders, the best of both worlds. Ts Katia Visiting - 22
(West Hollywood)
[★★★★★] 👑 5-STAR BOMBSHELL❗ ╚» ••••► 🔥🔥╠╣OTT🔥🔥🔥 ╠╣UNG 🐴🍆 ••◄☆ PARTY GIRL! 🎱 🎉💊 ╠╣EAVY SHOOTER💦💦💦💦 👄👅 - 24
(North Hollywood, N*O*R*T*H***H*O*L*L*Y*W*O*O*D**NEW**PIX!)
▶️▶️✅Absolutely 💟Gorgeous💁! Issis NEW ✳️ON TOWN 💯 New Pic 📷‼️Sexy 👗Transsexual 💁 - 23
(Los Angeles, West Hollywood 🎬🎬🎬🎬)
Thu 02 Jan
❤️💛💚💙💜✨💋🍫🦄Unicorns Are REAL VERS Passable Petite Tgirl Beyond 💋🦄🍫✨💜💙💚💛❤️ - 22
(LAX- 👀Out For My Return, Los Angeles)